Wednesday 120915


The 7:00pm class on Wednesday (12/9) is canceled. We are having a coaches meeting to discuss / practice new ideas that will help to improve your gym experience in the new year. Please plan your workouts accordingly.

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

* 25 Minutes to Complete.

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:

Same as RX

[Scale 2]:

1 x 5

1 x 10

1 x 5

1 x 10

1 x 5

1 x 10

@ Light to Moderate weights practicing technique.

Back Squat (1 x 1 @ 80% 1RM)

Back Squat (1 x 10 @ 65% 1RM)

Back Squat (1 x 1 @ 85-90% 1RM)

Back Squat (1 x 20 Unbroken @ 60% 1RM)

Back Squat (1 x 1 @ 90-95% 1RM or PR Attempt)

Back Squat (1 x 30 Unbroken @ 55% 1RM)

After Party

Metcon (4 Rounds for weight)


A1.) Seated Dumbbell Power Clean 4 x 12

A2.) Barbell Shrugs 4 x 12

* Rest as needed between sets, you choose the weights. Record total weight used between both exercises.

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