Tuesday 120815


The 7:00pm class on Wednesday (12/9) is canceled. We are having a coaches meeting to discuss / practice new ideas that will help to improve your gym experience in the new year. Please plan your workouts accordingly.

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

* 15 Minutes to build up to a heavy weight in the complex.

The Hokey Pokey (Heavy) (Weight)

1 Squat Clean+

1 Front Rack Lunge+

(Put the Right Leg In)

(Take the Right Foot Out)

1 Front Rack Lunge+

(Put the Left Leg In)

(Take The Left Foot Out)

1 Thruster

(That’s What It’s All About. That is 1 Rep)

Skills Practice

,: The Imperial March (No Measure)

10 Minute AMRAP of:

12 Overhead Barbell Lunges (45/35)

17 Pull-Ups

15 Burpees

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:

Same as RX

[Scale 2]:

Overhead Lunge (35/25)

Barbell Pull-Ups

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