Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
WOD Prep
1×15: Foam Roll Quads (No Measure)
1×15: Foam Roll Lats (No Measure)
Function WOD
Correction: Perform 3 Kettlebell Swings instead of 1.
Hokey Pokey (Hell’s Bells Version) (Time)
30 Reps For Time of:
1 Kettlebell Swing
1 Front Rack Lunge (Put the Right Leg In)
(Take the Right Foot Out)
1 Front Rack Lunge (Put the Left Leg In)
(Take The Left Foot Out)
1 Goblet Squat
(That’s What It’s All About. That is 1 Rep)
* Weight is (70/53)
** Put the Kettlebell down between reps.
Sport WOD
Hokey Pokey (Time)
30 Reps For Time of:
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Rack Lunge (Put the Right Leg In)
(Take the Right Foot Out)
1 Front Rack Lunge (Put the Left Leg In)
(Take The Left Foot Out)
1 Thruster
(That’s What It’s All About. That is 1 Rep)
* Weight is (135/95)
** Put the Barbell down between reps.
Injury Prevention
This is to be done on your own after class unless there is time.
Couch Stretch (No Measure)
Spend 2 Minutes / Side.