Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
WOD Prep
1×15: Downward / Upward Dog (No Measure)
Move slowly and focus on the stretches in both positions.
Function Strength
1.) This is NOT for time, but for QUALITY
2.) Do not go to failure on any set.
3.) Sets do not have to be unbroken.
4.) Rest as needed between each Super Set.
5.) 20 Minute Time Cap
A1): Strict Pull Ups (10 to 1)
A2): Ring Dips (10 to 1)
Sport Strength
1.) This is NOT for time, but for QUALITY
2.) Do not go to failure on any set.
3.) Sets ideally are unbroken.
4.) Rest as needed between each Super Set.
5.) Share Weight Vest (20#/10#) if necessary.
6.) 20 Minute Time Cap
A1): Weighted Strict Pull Ups (10 to 1)
A2): Weighted Ring Dips (10 to 1)
Function & Sport
Annie (Time)
Injury Prevention
This is to be done on your own after class unless there is time.
Barbell Calf Smash (No Measure)
Spend at least 2 minutes per side working your way up from the Achilles tendon to the calf muscle and back down again.