Wednesday 081920



8:30 AM –
5:30 PM –

9 AM –

Albany CrossFit – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard




:30 Air Squats

:30 Sampson Lunges

:30 Squat Bridges

:30 Frog Hops

:30 Medicine Ball Deadlifts*

:30 Squats to Medicine Ball*

:30 Burpees

:30 Medicine Ball Push Press*

:30 Squats with Medicine Ball*

* Use a DB or KB if you don’t have a Wall Ball.

Repeat Goblet Squats during the squatting pieces.


5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats

* Use a PVC Pipe, Broomstick, or dowel if you don’t have a barbell.


1 Min. Downward / Upward Dogs

1 Min. Straddle Stretch



1 Round:

200m Wt. Run

10 Medicine Ball Thrusters

5 Deadlifts

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Shoot Your Shot”

18 Min. AMRAP:

200m Weighted Run

30 Medicine Ball Thrusters

200m Weighted Run

15 Deadlifts

* A full 200m Run counts as 1 rep. Bring the wall ball or a dumbbell with you on the run.

RUN: 200m Run with no weight, Run with a DB/KB if you don’t have a wall ball, 1 Min. Jog in home, 250m Row, 500m Bike.

THRUSTERS: Hold a DB by both ends or use a KB if you don’t have a wall ball.

DEADLIFT: 1-Arm DB/KB Deadlifts (15/SIDE), Double DB/KB, Barbell (155/105).

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