Tuesday 081820



8:30 AM – https://zoom.us/j/262806413
5:30 PM – https://zoom.us/j/359115363

9 AM – https://zoom.us/j/216528666

Albany CrossFit – CrossFit

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:30 Mountain Climbers

:30 Hollow Hold

:30 Glute Bridges

:30 Arch Hold

:30 Single Leg Glute Bridges /SIDE

:30 Push-Up to Down Dog

:30 Glute Bridge Walkouts


5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats

* Use a PVC Pipe, Broomstick, or dowel if you don’t have a barbell.


:45 Spider-Man Lunge Hold /SIDE

:45 Front Rack Stretching



1 Round:

200m Run

4 Toes to Bar

2 Hang Power Cleans

Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

“Four Eyes”

Every 4:00 x 6 Rounds:

400m Run

10 Toes to Bar

5 Hang Power Cleans

* Record the time for each round.

RUN: 200m Run, 2 Min. Jog in home, 500m Row, 1,000m Bike.

TOES TO BAR: Reduce reps to 5, 10 Hanging Knee Tucks, 10 V- Tuck- or Sit-Ups.

H. POWER CLEAN: 10 1-Arm or Double DB Hang Power Cleans, 10 Russian Swings, Barbell (115/85).

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