Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds of:
1 Min. Handstand Hold
21 Toes to Bar
🔹 Piked handstand hold off a box or challenging dumbbell overhead hold. Wall walk to handstand.
🔹 Reduce T2B to 15 reps. Straight leg raises or knee tucks.
1 Min. Thread the Needle / Side
1 Min. Extended Arm Lizard / Side
Good luck to Laura G., Josh H., Nicole C., Donnie L., Mary Pat, Jared P., Andrew N., Dan R., Matt H., and Coach Chris who are all running in the Peak to Brew relay race from Whiteface mountain in lake placid to Saranac Brewery in Utica (230 miles). The race starts Friday (8/9) goes into the night and ends Saturday (8/10).