Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Workout of the Day
* 11 Minute Time Cap
Metcon (Time)
21-15-9 of:
Muscle Ups
Dumbbell One Arm Overhead Squat (80/55)
[Scale 1]:
15-12-9 of:
Muscle Ups
Dumbbell One Arm Overhead Squats (55/35)
[Scale 2]:
21-15-9 of:
Muscle Up Transitions
Dumbbell One Arm Overhead Squats (15/10)
* Scale to Goblet Squats if you cannot keep your arms locked overhead during the squats.
After Party
* Complete all of A first – rest 1 minute, then all of B – rest 1 minute, then all of C.
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds of:
1 Minute: MAX Wall Walks
:30 Handstand HOLD*
:30 Rest
* Count every :5 as 1 rep.
[Scale 1]:
No Change
[Scale 2]:
Scale Wall Walk Height
:20 Handstand Hold
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds of:
1 Minute: MAX Toes to Bar
:30 L-Sit HOLD*
:30 Rest
* Count every :5 as 1 rep.
[Scale 1]:
No Change
[Scale 2]:
Knee Tucks
:20 Knee Tuck HOLD
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds of:
1 Minute: MAX Burpees
:30 Plank (forearms) HOLD*
* Count every :5 as 1 rep.
[Scale 1]:
No Change
[Scale 2]:
No Change