Wednesday 013019

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Front Rack Mobility

(Coaches Choice)


15 Mins. to build to a heavy single TEMPO Thruster. :5 Lower to the Squat + Speed Up.

Tempo Thruster (Record Heaviest Lift )


15 Min. Time Cap

Metcon (Time)

9 Unbroken Thrusters (65/45)

1,000m Row

15 Unbroken Thrusters (65/45)

1,000m Row

21 Unbroken Thrusters (65/45)

* Restart the set if you put the barbell down. Set a personal goal to maintain on the 500m split time for the rows.

[Scale 1]:

Barbell Weight (55/35)

750m Row

[Scale 2]:

Reps: 9-12-15

Unbroken Dumbbell Thrusters

(20/15 per hand)

500m to 750m Rows


Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

1 Min. Thread the Needle Pose / Side

1 Min. Supine Twist Pose / Side

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