Thursday 013119

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

12 Mins. for Quality of:

5 Handstand Push-Ups w/ a Slow (:5) Negative*

10 to 20 Slow and Controlled Hip Extensions

REST as needed between exercises and sets.

* Kick up to the wall, lower slowly to the floor taking :5 to get there, press back up (no kipping, no bouncing).

[Scale 1]:

5 Handstand Push-Up :5 Negatives w/ Dismount off Wall*

10 to 15 Slow and Controlled Hip Extensions

* Kick up to the wall, lower slowly to the floor taking :5 to get there, when the head touches down kick off the wall gently each rep. Put no pressure on your neck.

[Scale 2]:

5 to 8 Box Handstand Push-Ups w/ a slow (:5) Negative*

10 to 20 Good Mornings w/ a bar or Bulgarian Kettlebell Swings (you choose the weight)


Regular or Sumo Deadlifts

Every 2:30 Mins. x 6,

Using a Double Overhand Grip:

5 @ 80% 1RM

3 @ 85% 1RM

3 @ 92% 1RM

1 @ 98% 1RM

Use a Mixed Grip if desired:

1 @ 101% 1RM (PR Attempt 1)

1 @ 103% (PR Attempt 2)

Deadlift (Record 80% x 5 Here)

Deadlift (Record 92% x 3 Here)

Deadlift (Record Heaviest x 1 Here)

Sumo Deadlift (Record 80% x 5 Here)

Sumo Deadlift (Record 92% x 3 Here)

Sumo Deadlift (Record Heaviest x 1 Here)


Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

1 Min. Eagle Pose / Side*

* Sit in Toe Saddle Pose

2 Mins. Child’s Pose

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