Tuesday 112018

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

On the Minute x 8:

ODD: Unbroken Double Unders

Even: Handstand Push-Ups

* Each time you break on the Double Unders or come off the wall on the HSPU stop and complete 5 burpees.

[Scale 1]:

Odd: Double Under Attempts*

Pike Handstand Push-Ups (Knees on Box)

* After 3 attempts stop and complete 5 burpees.

[Scale 2]:

Odd: Unbroken Single Unders

Even: Handstand Hold or Dumbbell Push Presses.


Pick a style of Deadlift: Regular or Sumo stance.

Every 2 Mins. Complete a set-

Set 1: 3 @ 75% 1rm

Set 2: 3 @ 80% 1rm

Set 3: 3 @ 85% 1rm

Set 4: 2 @ 90% 1rm

Set 5: 2 @ 93% 1rm

Set 6: 1 @ 96% 1rm

Set 7: 1 @ 98% 1rm

Set 8: PR @ 101% 1rm

A1: Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 3)

A2: Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 2)

A3: Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 1)

B1: Sumo Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 3)

B2: Sumo Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 2)

B3: Sumo Deadlift (Heaviest Set of 1)


Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

1 Min. Extended Arm Lizard Pose / Side

2 Min. Puppy Dog Pose

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