Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Today is the last day to sign up for the Holiday Rowing Challenge and receive an event T-Shirt or Ladies Tank Top. Put your name and apparel size on the board!
Record your meters! Claim a spot on the score sheets located in the WOD room to track your progress throughout the challenge.
Good luck!
10k Row (Time)
Max Effort 10k Row
[Scale 1]:
8,000m Row
[Scale 2]:
5,000m Row
Full Body Foam Roll (No Measure)
Spend some quality time with the Foam Roller.
Perform 10-20 passes per for the following areas:
– Lats
– Upper Back
– Lower Back
– Quads
– Inner Thigh
– Hamstrings
– Glutes
– Calves