Tuesday 081815


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Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Sets of:

:30 Sampson Stretch / Side

10 Overhead Squats *

10 Sit Ups

10 Good Mornings * or Back Extensions

10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows

10 Ring Dips or Push Ups

* Set 1 Use a PVC, Set 2 Use a Barbell.

Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

1. Power Clean

2. Ring Dip

Workout of the Day

* 10 Minute Time Cap

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:


Cleans (95/65)


Ring Dips

[Scale 2]:

15-12-9 of:

Cleans (65/45)

Scaled Dip or Ring Push Ups

Elizabeth (Time)


Clean, 135# / 95#

Ring Dips