Tuesday 032420

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Every Min. on the Min. x 12:

Min. 1: :30 Single Unders

Min. 2: :30 Right Side Plank + :30

Min. 3: :30 Ring Leg Glute Bridge + :30 Left Leg Glute Bridge

Min. 4: :30 Active Dive Bombers

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds of:

80 Double Unders

40 Sit-Ups

20 Push Ups

10 Reverse Burpees*

* Check our social media pages for a demo video.


Double Unders: 100-160 Double Unders with attempts, 60-80 Jumping Jacks or Jumping Double Taps (See WOD Brief video for Demo).

Push Ups: Off Knees or to a box/couch/sturdy object.

Reverse Burpees: Use hands and arms to guide yourself onto your back and to get back up again.

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