Time for a Change.













It gives me great pleasure to announce this.  Jason Murphy has been promoted to the General Manager position with part ownership.  This is a long-time coming and very well deserved.  From the first day Jason Murphy walked into our doors I know he would have a profound impact not only on Albany CrossFit but on my life.  

In the 5 years I have known Murph he has not only strived for excellence in his CrossFit endeavors but in his job here as well.  Beginning as an intern, making his way up to a coach, then a full-time employee, and now General Manager, no one has given more of themself than Jason Murphy.

This transition will take some learning on both Murph's end and our athletes.  

What will it mean for you, our athlete?

Not much, it will be business as usual except that Murph will be at the helm.  When you have an issue, a comment, a concern, or a question, he is the man to go to.  

James and Andrew will continue to have a huge role here and will be given more responsibility as well.  Our staff of excellent coaches will continue to strive to be the best they can be and provide you with our best product.

Please refer to Murph as "the General" from now on!

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