Thursday 103113 To Saturday 110213


Thursday (10/31)
WOD Prep:
PVC Pipe Pec Stretch 1 x 12 / Side
1. "Grace"
For Time
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
* 6 Minute Time Cap
WOD Strategy from Jason: "Grace" is a sprint, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  If you are not under 6 minutes you have not scaled appropriately.  Now, that's not to say, there isn't a time or place to hit your first RX "Grace" in 8 minutes, it's just not tomorrow.  The fasted "Grace" I have witnessed in person was by our very own Coach Dave at Friday Night Fights in 1:58.  He went out and hit 10 UB, then 7, 4, 3, 3, and 3.  I believe this is the way to go.  Not necessary those exact reps but bang out as many as you can UB over and over again.  At the end the last 5-8 you may hit singles, but each drop of the BB will cost you valuable seconds.  It would be hard to be under 2:30 with too many drops of the BB.  If you're scaling find a weight you are slgihtly intimidated by but know you can still bang out 5-6 UB at the start.
2. Snatch Complex
1 Snatch Dead + 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 Snatch
* Work to a moderate weight that you can still move fast and with total confidence.
* 12 Minute Time Cap
3. Squats!
A. Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes: 1 Back Squat @ Heavy As Possible with good Technique. 
B. Front Squat 2 x 3 @ 80%1RM
* Rest as needed between working sets.
* 10 Minute Time Cap
Friday (11/1)
WOD Prep:
1. "Diane"
Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand Push-Up
* 8 Minute Time Cap
WOD Stratgegy from Jason:  This is one of my all-time favorite WODs.  The classic couplet Deads and HSPU.  Another agressive time limit but our goal is to maintain the stimulus that Coach Glassman intially intended.  Just like with "Grace" there is a time and place to hit your first RX "Diane" it's just not this Friday.  Two obvious things to consider, your Deadlift and your HSPUs.  
Let's talk Deadlift scaling first.  I think you should be able to hit the first round UB, or at an absolute minimum 15 off the rip.  If you are breaking the 21 up much more than that it's going to be a long day of deads and most likely your form will signifcantly diminish.  With the deads get those knees out of the way both on the way up and down and keep that bar close to your body.  
HSPU, obviously something we should always be looking to improve on.  At this point you should have a good idea of how you should scale these.  These are not something you want to fail on.  Once you hit that breaking point it's hard to come back.  If you are not going to go UB, you need to stop before you hit failure.  If you can Kip your HSPU, now is the time.
2. Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes:
1-2 Strict Muscle Ups + 1-2 Kipping Muscle Ups
* If you can't do strict MU do 2-4 kipping MU every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
Saturday (11/2)
WOD Prep:
A) Partner Calve Smash!
B) Partner Shoulder Mobility
1. 6 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
20 Pull-Ups
20 Burpees
* 40 Minute Time Cap
WOD Strategy from Jason:  This will suck.  No reason to mince words.  By the time you finish you'll have run 1.5 miles, and don 120 Burpees and Pull-ups, but hey, we all CrossFit to challenge ourselves, and what else do you have going on this Satureda?  This will be a gut check.  Obviously you can scale the distance and reps, but I would use today to challenge yourself.  Try your best to get through all the reps.  Scale the pull-ups as needed but other than that, get at it!
2. 5 minute AMRAP
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Superman Rocks