Thursday 092321

Albany CrossFit – CrossFit


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8 Mins. for Quality:

20 Superman Rocks

20 Hollow Rocks

10 Alternating Pistols to a Box


Every 2:30,

Back Squat:


On the build up aim for:

10 reps = 60% 1RM

5 reps = 70% 1RM

3 reps = 80% 1RM

1 rep = 90%+ 1RM

Aim to go heavier on the back half of the workout.

Back Squat (Heaviest 10)

Back Squat (Heaviest 5)

Back Squat (Heaviest 3)

Back Squat (Heaviest 1)

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