Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Skills Practice
Metcon (No Measure)
On the Minute x 10 for Quality of:
ODD: 3-5 Snatch Muscle Unders w/ Bar (45/35)
EVEN: 3-5 Strict Muscle Ups
[Scale 1]:
On the Minute x 10 for Quality of:
ODD: 3-5 Snatch Muscle Unders w/ Bar (35/25)
EVEN: 3-5 Boxer Post Muscle Ups
[Scale 2]:
On the Minute x 10 for Quality of:
ODD: 3-5 Snatch Muscle Unders w/ Bar (25/15)
EVEN: 3-5 Boxer Pose Muscle Ups
Workout of the Day
* 10 Minute Time Cap
Amanda (Time)
Snatch, 135#/95#
[Scale 1]:
9-7-5 of:
Squat Snatch (105/75)
7-5-3 of:
Muscle Ups
[Scale 2]:
12-9-6 of:
Muscle Up Transitions
9-7-5 of:
Hang Squat Snatches (75/55)