Main – WOD – (Be)tter
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
7 Minute AMRAP of:
up ladder by 3’s of:
Front Squat (115/80)
Box Jump (24/20)
complete 3 squats and 3 box jumps, then 6 of each, 9 of each, and continue
as far as possible inside of 7 minutes.
Metcon (No Measure)
A. Work Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS from back rack
B. Work Snatch Balance
C. Work High Hang Squat Snatch
A,B,C should be done with an empty barbell
or light weight. The focus is to work proper
positioning and improve your form.
Snatch Work (Max Weight for each movement)
A. Work up to a heavy single Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS from back rack
B. Work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance
C. Work up to a heavy High Hang Squat Snatch