Sunday 112617

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

Skills Practice

Rowling (No Measure)

5 Frames

– The goal is to stop exactly at 100m.

– Full strokes only.

– Once you stop you may not row again.

– A body weight movement is designated after each Frame.

– A strike on the last frame allows you to row agin and replace a low score.

– High score wins

Workout of the Day

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Three 5 minute rounds for max reps at each station:

From 0:00-2:00,

Row 400m

Double Unders

From 2:00-3:00,

Dumbbell Push Jerks (35/25 per hand)

From 3:00-4:00,


From 4:00-5:00

Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (35/25 per hand)

* Rest 5 Minutes between rounds.

[Scale 1]:

Dumbbells (25/20 per hand)

Double Unders or Double Under Attempts

[Scale 2]:

200m Row

Single Unders

Ring Rows

Dumbbells (20/15 per hand)

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