Monday 112717


* Schedule Update *
The last class of the day on FRIDAY (12/1) will be the NOON CLASS. WOD spaces will be cleaned and equipment set up for that night’s Friday Night Fights event. Please plan gym visits accordingly and we hope to see as many of you there as possible for the big event!

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

Workout of the Day

Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes:

1 Thruster +

1 Push Press +

1 Push Jerk +

1 Split Jerk

* Climbing – base starting weight off 80% 1rm weakest movement.

[Scale 1]:

Across – no weight increases.

[Scale 2]:

1 Thruster +

1 Push Press +

1 Push Jerk

* Climbing – start at a weight that allows for awesome technique.

.com Overhead Complex

1 Thruster +

1 Push Press +

1 Push Jerk +

1 Split Jerk

After Party

4 Minute Time Cap.

500m Row (Time)

Max Effort 500m Row

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