Sunday 111013

WOD: Jackie
1k Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
12 minute time cap
WOD Strategy:
You cannot treat the 1k row as just a 1,000m row. In this case you must pace the row in order to move on to the next movements. Typically a 1k row will leave your hamstrings screaming and you gasping for air if done at the correct pace. This is why we are going to pace the 1k row so that when we get to our thrusters, we are not completely burnt out. The rep scheme for thrusters will vary depending on the person, but you want to break them up into sets where you take as minimal rest as possible. When you are resting, the best place to rest the bar is on your back as if you were going to squat. As soon as you have caught your breathe and allowed your legs to recover, get that bar back into the front rack position and keep moving. When you get to the pull-ups it is an all out race to the finish line. Do whatever rep scheme you have to do so you are not standing and staring at the bars for any extended period of time.
3×2 Deadlift
* work up to a heavy set of 2 that you can repeat for another 2 sets