Sunday 110815


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Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

* Complete in 25 Minutes.

7×3: Push Press (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1 & 2]:


Sets 1-3: 80% 1RM

Sets 4-5: 85% 1RM

Sets 6: 90% 1RM

Set 7: 95% 1RM or 3RM PR Attempt

* All sets should be manageable with good technique, should you fail on a set it should be on the last one.

After Party

* Complete A1.) & A2.) as a Superset: No rest between exercises, :90 Seconds between sets. You choose the weights for each exercise.

A1.): Bulgarian Split Squats (5 x 10 / Side)

A2.): Db Row (5 x 10 / Side)

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