Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Workout of the Day
* 18 Minute Time Cap
The Kessel Run (4 Rounds for time)
4 Rounds of:
500m Row
* Rest 1:1
Record time for each round, and keep each effort within :30 of each other.
[Scaling Suggestions]:
[Scale 1]:
Same as RX
[Scale 2]:
4 Rounds of:
350m Row
* Rest 1:1
After Party
Metcon (Time)
3 Sets for Quality of:
:30 L-Sit Hold
:30 Chin Over Bar Hold
:30 Handstand Hold
[Scaling Suggestions]:
[Scale 1]:
Reduce Holds to :20 to :25
[Scale 2]:
:20-25 of:
Scale L-Sit Hold
Chin Over Bar (Barbell in Rig) Hold
Tripod Hold