Reminder: Starting Monday 12/17, the 5:45am at CrossFit Clifton Park is moved to 5:30am. Please plan workout accordingly. Thanks!
Ali shares some insight towards making constant progress:
How many of you are just dying to get that HSPU but aren't quite there yet? Can power snatch 115, but know you can squat snatch much more if you can get under that bar? Are missing the explosiveness in your hips on Oly Lifts?
If you answered yes to these questions, you may want to take a look at the progression of your movements and see how you can break them down to better your technique. Many of our more difficult movements in CrossFit have progressions or transitional movements that you can use to develop better form. It is the little things in the movement that make the big things happen. Below are a couple of scenarios and possible fixes for each that you can practice on your own before or after class. Many times, we will include these in a warm-up, SO PAY ATTENTION!! Practice makes perfect.
Not opening your hips on your Clean or Snatch:
Try going back to the Burgener Warm-up and reviewing the first two steps. Start working Med-ball cleans.
Not dropping under the bar in a Squatch Snatch or Squat Clean:
Work on Overhead Squats or Front Squat
Practice the Snatch Skill Transfer Movements
Cant' quite hit the strict Muscle Ups:
Chest to bar Pull ups
Ring Dips
False Grip Ring Rows
Muscle Up Transitions
Do not have Handstand Pushups:
HSPUS on the box
Handstands on the wall
The KEHO VIRTUOSITY SERIES has great tools for learning progressions of movements and technique. Take some tiem to check those out.
Remember that we teach you progressions in class so that you can practice them outside and make the PROGRESS that you need to be the BEST CrossFitter you can be!! I'll see you in the double wide 🙂