Friday 100915


Gymnastics Club is moving to an all new time!
Tuesday’s & Thursday’s @ 6:00pm!

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

3 Attempts to build to a MAX weight in each exercise on both sides. Finish A.) before moving to B.) and then C.).

All In Balance (6 Rounds for weight)

With a Barbell, 1-1-1 for Max Weight:

A.) Complete in 10 Minutes:

Turkish Get-Up (Left Arm)

Turkish Get-Up (Right Arm)

B.) Complete in 10 Minutes:

One-Arm Overhead Squat (Left Arm)

One-Arm Overhead Squat (Right Arm)

C.) Complete in 10 Minutes:

One-Arm Snatch (Left Arm)

One-Arm Snatch (Right Arm)

[Scaling Suggestions]

[Scale 1]:

With a Dumbbell, 1-1-1 for Max Weight:

[Scale 2]:

With a Dumbbell, 3-3-3, for Technique.

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