Friday 080219

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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In honor of Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker, 23, of Long Beach, CA who was killed in Afghanistan on May 15th, 2007.


Joshie (Time)

3 Rounds of:

21 Dumbbell Squat Snatches (Right)

21 L Pull-Ups

21 Dumbbell Squat Snatches (Left)

21 L Pull-Ups

Weight (40/25)

🔹 WEIGHT: Reduce to complete consistent technique and complete reps in 1 to 2 sets.

🔹 REPS: Reduce reps on pull-ups to 12 to 15.

🔹 SQ SN: 11 Power Snatch + 10 Overhead Squat.

🔹 L-PL: Tucked Pull-Up, Regular Strict Pull-Up, Scap Pull-Up w. Knee Tuck.

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