Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Distance)
3 Rounds of:
5 Minutes MAX Distance Run, Row, or Bike.
* Rest 5 Minutes.
* It’s okay to get the best of all world’s and pick a different method of travel each round.
After Party
Metcon (No Measure)
4 SuperSets of:
B1.) 8 Rope Pull-Ups*
B2.) 6 Strict Pausing Ring Dips*
– Rest 90 Seconds Between Sets.
* Alternate which hand is on top each set for the Rope Pull-Ups. Pause for :2 at the top and bottom of each Ring Dip.
[Scale 1]:
B1.) 8 Strict Chin Ups
B2.) 6 Pausing Matador Dips
[Scale 2]:
B1.) 8 Supine Ring Rows
B2.) 6 Pausing Ring Push-Ups