Wednesday 110817

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

Workout of the Day


15 Minutes to build to a heavy Power Clean & Jerk.

Goal: Choose a weight for the WOD and attempt to build to at least 130% that weight before going into the WOD.


If your WOD Weight is 155 lbs. then attempt to build to at least 200 lbs. for a heavy single rep.

Power Clean & Jerk (Heavy Single Rep)

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

On a 15 Minute Clock, For Max Reps Each Round:

From 0:00-3:00

400m Row

MAX Pull-Ups In The Remaining Time

* Rest 1 Minute

From 4:00-7:00

400m Row

MAX Power Clean & Jerks (155/105) In The Remaining Time

* Rest 1 Minute

From 8:00-11:00

400m Row

MAX Pull-Ups In The Remaining Time

* Rest 1 Minute

From 12:00-15:00

400m Row

MAX Power Clean & Jerks (155/105) In The Remaining Time

* Rest 1 Minute

[Scale 1]:

Weight: 115/75

Row: No Change

[Scale 2]:

Weight: 75/55

Scale distance to 250m if unable to complete the distance in 2 minutes or less.

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