Wednesday 081915


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Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

6 Minute EMOM of:

Odd: :30 Max Rep Double or Single Unders

Even: 2 Wall Walks + 8 Air Squats

* Record Double Under Reps

Workout of the Day

* Coaches, allot at least 30-35 minutes for the WOD. Not a time cap, but a suggestion to make sure you finish on time.

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:

7 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Back Squat (165/115)

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

7 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Strict Press (95/65)

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

7 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Deadlift (205/145)

[Scale 2]:

6 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Back Squat (125/90)

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

6 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Strict Press (75/50)

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

6 Minute EMOM Ladder of:

Burpee + Deadlift (165/115)

Stairway to Heaven (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM Ladder 1:

Burpee + Back Squat (185/135)

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

EMOM Ladder 2:

Burpee + Strict Press (115/80) Ladder

* Rest 3 Minutes, Then:

EMOM Ladder 3:

Burpee + Deadlift (245/170) Ladder

For the ladder pattern, perform 1 rep of each exercise the first minute, 2 reps of each the second minute, 3 reps of each the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed. If you fail to complete the work of any round within the given minute, start your rest and proceed to the next ladder.


Couch Stretch (No Measure)

* 2 Minutes / Side

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