Wednesday 041217

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

Part 1: Complete in 12 Minutes.

8 Sets of 8 Reps of:

Hollow Body to Superman Roll

Part 2: Reverse Tabata (:10 On, :20 Off – 8 Rounds) of:

Inactive Hang

Active Hang

* Alternate between exercises.

[Scale 1 & 2]:

No Change

A: Weighted Pull-ups (5 x 3, Climbing)

A: Every 2:30 Minutes for 5 Sets Complete:

3 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups, Climbing

[Scale 1]:

5-8 Strict Pull-Ups

* Choose a number that allows for reps to be unbroken and consistency in technique. Mixing up the grips is okay.

[Scale 2]:

10-15 Kneeling Barbell Pull-Ups

* Choose a number that allows the reps to be done unbroken without going to failure. Perform the reps slower than you would in a WOD.

B: 1000m Row (Time)

Max Effort 1000m Row
* 5 Minute Time Cap.

Good, better, and great times for the Row would be less than 3:30, 3:15, and 3:00.

[Scale 1 & 2]:

No Change

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