Wednesday 030718


This Saturday (3/10) from 9am to 1pm we will be holding our annual Best Buddies International fundraiser WOD. There will be no regular classes on this day and open gym is cancelled. Please plan your visit accordingly and hopefully we will see you at the event!

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

View Public Whiteboard

Skills Practice

CrossFit Warm-Up (No Measure)

3 Rounds,

10-15 Repetitions of:

:15 to :30 Sampson Stretch

Overhead Squats*


Back Extensions



* Start with a PVC pipe on the OHS and then increase the weight each round.

[Scale 1]:

5-8 Repetitions of:

:15 to :30 Sampson Stretch

Overhead Squats


Good Mornings

Chin Ups

Matador Dips

[Scale 2]:

8-12 Repetitions of:

:15 to :30 Sampson Stretch

Overhead Squats w/ PVC

AB Mat Sit-Ups

Good Mornings w/ PVC

Ring Rows



Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Minute AMRAP of:

20 GHD Sit-Ups

10 Left-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (60/40)

10 Right-Arm Overhead Lunges (60/40)

[Scale 1]:

12 Minute AMRAP of:

10 V-Ups

10 Left-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (45/30)

10 Right-Arm Overhead Lunges (45/30)

[Scale 2]:

12 Minute AMRAP of:

10 AB Mat Sit-Ups

10 Walking Walking Lunges (No Weight)

50′ Waiters Walk (20/10)

* Waiters Walk: Hold the Dumbbell overhead and walk 25′, then switch to the other side and complete another 25′. Every 25′ is a rep.

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