Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
WOD Prep / Skills
Banded Monster Walks (No Measure)
1 x 10 Steps to the Left
1 x 10 Steps to the Right
1 x Gunslinger Walk Across the Room
1 x Backward Walk Across the Room
Deadlift Technique (No Measure)
Practice led by class coach.
2RM: Deadlift
Metcon (8 Rounds for time)
EMOM x 8:
Odd: 7 Deads at 65%
Even: 60 Double Unders
Record the time it took you to complete the work each round. Set the standard in the first two rounds and the maintain or beat it during the rest.
Injury Prevention
LAX Ball Foot Smash (No Measure)
* 2 Minutes / Side