Tuesday 121917

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

On the Minute x 9:

Minute 1- :30 Alternating Hip Touches

Minute 2- :40 Ring L-Sit HOLD

Minute 3- :50 Inchworm Push-Ups

[Scale 1]:

Minute 1- :15 Single Arm Hang (Right), then :15 with the left.

Minute 2- :40 Ring Support HOLD

Minute 3- No Change

[Scale 2]:

Minute 1- :30 Hang

Minute 2- :40 Ring Knee Tuck or Push-Up HOLD

Minute 3- No Change

Workout of the Day

25 Minute Time Cap.

Garrett (Time)

3 rounds:

75 Air Squats

25 Ring Handstand Push-ups

25 L Pull-ups
In honor of Marine Capt. Garrett T. “Tubes” Lawton, 31, of Charleston, WV was killed in Herat Province, Afghanistan on August 4, 2008.
To learn more about Garrett click here
[Scale 1]:

3 Rounds of:

75 Air Squats

25 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups (6″/4″)

25 Pull-Ups (Knees Tucked)

[Scale 2]:

3 Rounds of:

50-75 Air Squats

25 Handstand Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups

25 Pull-Ups or Barbell Pull-Ups

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