Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Skills Practice
Rowling (No Measure)
5 Frames
– The goal is to stop exactly at 100m.
– Full strokes only.
– Once you stop you may not row again.
– A body weight movement is designated after each Frame.
– A strike on the last frame allows you to row again and replace a low score.
– High score wins
Workout of the Day
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata (:20 On, :10 Off),
8 Rounds of each exercise.
Back Squat (95/65)
* Rest 1 Minute
L-Sit (Parallettes)
* Rest 1 Minute
Ring Rows
* Rest 1 Minute
Handstand Hold
* Rest 1 Minute
Calorie Row
* For the L-Sit and Handstand Holds, count each second held as a rep. Handstand Holds are done free style away from the wall. For the Ring Rows, shoulders are under the pull up bar, body in a rigid plank, top of rings set to hip height.
[Scale 1]:
Back Squat (65/45)
L-Sit (Alternate one leg tucked, the other extended)
Ring Row – Scale positioning.
Handstands – Against Wall, practice / alternate moving one let away from the wall.
Row – No Change
[Scale 2]:
Goblet Squats (35/26)
Knee Tuck Hold on Boxes
Ring Row – Scale Positioning
Pike Hold on Box
Row – No Change