Tuesday 120214


Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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WOD Prep / Skills

Banded Hamstring Floss (No Measure)

2 Minutes / Side

Function & Sport

Three Cheers (Time)

With a running clock:

A. 15-12-9 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs, 24/20

150m Row after every round.

B. 12-9-6 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs, 24/20

150m Row after every round.

C. 9-6-3 Burpee Facing Box Jump Overs, 24/20

150m Row after every round.

Athlete 1 completes all of “A” (the 15-12-9 and rows). When athlete 1 comes back from the third 150m Row of “A” they will tag athlete 2 who will also complete all of “A”. Once athlete 2 is done they will tag athlete 1, who can then begin to work on “B”. Time is called when athlete 2 completes “C”.
* 30 Minute Time Cap

Injury Prevention

LAX Ball Foot Smash (No Measure)

2 Minutes / Side

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