Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Skills Practice
Wrist Mobility (Coach’s Choice)
10 Mins. to go Heavy:
Pausing Turkish Get-Up
* Pause for :3 at each position while getting up and lowering back down. Use dumbbells or kettlebells. Only weights completed on both sides count.
Handstand and L-Sit Review
Pausing Turkish Get-Up (Record Heaviest TGU Here)
20 Min. Time Cap
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds of:
1 Min. L-Sit Hold (Floor)
2 Min. Handstand Hold
500m Row
L-SIT: complete in (3) attempts or less. Reduce to :30 to :45. Use parallettes, plates, dumbbells, or boxes. Tuck the knees.
HANDSTAND: complete in (4) attempts or less. Reduce to :60 or :90. Hold tripods, headstands, pikes off box, or heavy dumbbells overhead.
ROW: this row should be a hard effort. Keep 500m split time between 2:00 and 2:30 or less. Scale to 350m if you’re above 2:30.
Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.
Focus on your breathing and relax.
1 Min. Thread the Needle Pose / Side
1 Min. Pigeon Pose / Side