Tuesday 012114

Main – WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (Time)

“Black and Blue”
5 RFT:
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Burpees

12 Minute Time Cap


Pausing Front Squat (5 x 2)

5 sets of 2 Pausing Front Squats
3 Second Pause in the bottom
You can use a bounce to come up out of the bottom
Start @ 70% and add weight each set


3 Position Pausing Squat Clean (7 x 1)

Pause for 2 seconds at each position, checking to to ensure proper positioning.

Position 1: At Knees – looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.

Position 2: Mid Thigh – chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.

Position 3: Pockets – should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press. Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.

After hitting each position explode up and catch the bar in a full squat.