Thursday 102413

Upcoming Events
October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast
October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar
Thursday (10/24)
WOD Prep:
Scap Push-Ups 1 x 12
Groiners 1 x 12
1. For Time:
100 Burpees
* Every Minute on the Minute STOP and perform 8 Toes To Bar.
** Then continue accumulating Burpees in the remainder of the minute.
* 12 Minute Time Cap
2. Establish a 1RM Back Squat in 20 Minutes

3. Every Two Minutes on the Minute:
Touch n' Go Snatch 5 x 5 @ 60%1RM