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Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Metcon (No Measure)
2 Sets for QUALITY of:
:30 Squat Hold
10 Downward / Upward Dog
10 Overhead Squats *
10 Good Mornings *
10 Toes to Bar or Knee Tucks
10 Handstand Push Ups or Kick Ups
* Set 1 use PVC, Set 2 with a Barbell.
Workout of the Day
* 10 Minute Time Cap
[Scaling Suggestions]:
[Scale 1]:
4 Rounds of:
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats (125/85)
[Scale 2]:
4 Rounds of:
300m Row
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
* Goal is to keep Row Pace under 2 minutes or scale the distance. Overhead Squats should be unbroken or scale the weight.
Jumanji (Time)
4 Rounds of:
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats (155/105)
Skills Practice
Metcon (No Measure)
Practice for 10 Minutes:
1. Forward Roll
2. Backward Roll