Thursday 080615


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Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Sets for Quality of:

:30 Squat Hold (No Rig Holding)

10 Overhead Squats

10 Hollow Rocks

5 Single Legged Glute Bridges / Side

10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows

10 Ring Dips or Push-Ups

Workout of the Day

* 25 Minute Time Cap

[Scaling Suggestions]

[Scale 1]:

4 Rounds of:

25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

25 V-Ups

25 Good Mornings (45/35)

25 Knees to Elbow

* 25 Minute Time Cap

[Scale 2]:

3 Rounds of:

25 Kettlebell Swings (35/20)

25 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups

:25 Superman Hold

25 Hanging Knee Raises

* 18 Minute Time Cap

Rogue Nation (Time)

5 Rounds of:

25 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

25 GHD Sit-Ups

25 Back Extensions

25 Knees to Elbow


Couch Stretch (No Measure)

3 Minutes / Side