Thursday 071819

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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πŸ”Ή Bench Press Technique, Safety.

πŸ”Ή15 Mins. to build to a HEAVY single.


20 Min. Time Cap.

Metcon (Time)

21-15-9 of:

Dumbbell Floor Press w. Hip Bridge (50/35 per hand)

Strict L- Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

* Run 800m after each round.

πŸ”Ή DB FLOOR PRESS: Reduce the weight for unbroken reps.

πŸ”Ή L-C2B PL: Regular Strict L-Pull-Up, Strict or Regular Chin Over Bar Pull-Up, Scap Pull-Up w. Knee Tuck.

πŸ”Ή DISTANCE: Go for longer runs. Reduce distance 400m to 600m if 800m takes longer than 4:30. Mix distances: 400-800-400m.

πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ ROMWOD

Hold the following poses and stretches for the specified times.

Focus on your breathing and relax.

2 Mins. Twisted Cross Pose / Side

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