Thursday 053118

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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3-2-1 Rep Maxes in 20 Minutes

Push Press (3-Rep MAX)

Push Press (2-Rep MAX)

Push Press (1-Rep MAX)


15 Minute Time Cap.

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds of:

1 Sub :45 250m Row

50 Unbroken Double Unders

* If the row takes longer than :45, or if you trip up on your double unders, redo that segment before moving back to the other exercise.

[Scale 1]:

5 Rounds of:

1 Sub :48 250m Row

100 Unbroken Single Unders

[Scale 2]:

5 Rounds of:

1 Sub :55 250m Row

100 Single Unders *

* Does not have to be unbroken. Push hard for sub :55 on the row.

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