Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
* Complete 20 Repetitions (10/Side) with a weight that is challenging, yet allows excellent technique.
Turkish Get Up (10 / Side @ You Pick WT.)
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
55 Handstand Push-Ups
55 Calorie Row
55 Wall Ball (20/14)
55 Deadlift (225/155)
[Scaling Suggestions]:
[Scale 1]:
55 Handstand Push-Ups
55 Calorie Row
55 Wall Ball (14/10)
55 Deadlift (185/125)
[Scale 2]:
55 Hand Release Push-Ups
55 Calorie Row
55 Wall Ball (10/8)
55 Deadlift (135/95)