Thursday 040617

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

During the EMOM, work on ring path and control. Choose a kettlebell weight that allows you to easily complete all 10 reps. The focus is just to continue warming up the hips and shoulders.


After the EMOM, coaches will teach Muscle Up Transition Kettlebell Clean & Jerk technique.

Metcon (No Measure)

On the Minute x 10 of:

ODD: 1 Strict Muscle Up

EVEN: 10 Kettlebell Swings*

* You pick the weight.

[Scale 1 & 2]:

ODD: 1 Boxer Pose Muscle Up

Hold Boxer Pose

Pull To Sternum

Pull Through

Press / Jump Up

Negative Lower Down

Back To Sternum

Hold Boxer Pose

* Hold each position for :3 Seconds.

EVEN: No Change

Workout of the Day

* 15 Minute Time Cap

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds of:

10 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks (53/35 – per hand)

3 Muscle Ups

[Scale 1]:

5 Rounds of:

10 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks (35/26 – per hand)

1-3 Muscle Ups

[Scale 2]:

5 Rounds of:

10 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/35)

3 Muscle Up Transitions

After Party

Tabata Ring Holds (8 Rounds for time)

Tabata (:20 On, :10 Off – 8 Rounds)

Ring Support HOLD

Bottom of Dip HOLD

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:

Same as RX, or mix & match RX & Scale 2.

[Scale 2]:

Top of Ring Push-Up HOLD

Bottom of Ring Push-Up HOLD

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