Thursday 030316


Don’t forget to bring your Jump Ropes tomorrow! You’re going to need them!

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Workout of the Day

Every 4 Minutes Complete 5 Sets of the SUPERSET:

A1.) 10 Deadlifts @ 80% 1RM, ACROSS

A2.) :45 Ring L-Sit HOLD

[Scaling Suggestions]:

[Scale 1]:

A1.) 10 Deadlifts @ 70-75% 1RM, ACROSS

A2.) :45 L-Sit HOLD (Parallettes)

[Scale 2]:

A1.) 7 Deadlifts @ 70%, ACROSS

A2.) :45 Hollow HOLD

A1.): Deadlift (@ 80% 1RM, ACROSS)

A2.): Metcon (Time)

:45 Ring L-Sit HOLD

After Party

Metcon (Weight)

Complete 3 Sets of the SUPERSET:

B1.) 12 One Arm Dumbbell Rows / Side

B2.) 10 Overhead Shrugs + 10 Strict DB Press

* You Pick the Weight, Record total weight used.

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