Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Complete a set of Push Jerks every 90 seconds.
Record the weighs for sets 1-4, record total completed reps @ 70% 1rm for set 5.
Set 1: Push Jerk (1 x 2 @ 90% 1rm)
Set 2: Push Jerk (1 x 4 @ 85% 1rm)
Set 3: Push Jerk (1 x 6 @ 80% 1rm)
Set 4: Push Jerk (1 x 8 @ 75% 1rm)
Set 5: Push Jerk (1 x MAX REPS @ 70% 1rm)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 Minute AMRAP of:
1,000m Row
MAX DB Man Makers in the time remaining @ 40/30 per hand.
Score is total Man Makers.
Man Maker = Push-Up, Row, Row, Power Clean, Push Press.
[Scale 1]:
Dumbbell (35/20 per hand)
[Scale 2]:
Dumbbell (25/15 per hand)