Sunday 050618

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Complete in 12 Minutes:

Approach in 1 of 2 ways:

1. If proficient at muscle ups go for time, reduce reps to 20 if necessary.

2. Practice Muscle Up skills to improve technique. Work with rings today, not bar muscle ups.

30 Muscle-Ups (Time)

30 muscle-ups for time
[Scale 1]:

20-30 Boxer Pose Transitions w/ :3 Pauses at each position.

[Scale 2]:

15 Ring Row to Transition

15 Boxer Pose Transitions


15 Minute Time Cap.

CrossFit Games Regionals 11.1 (Time)

1,000m Run

30 Handstand Push-Ups *

1,000m Row

* Use Open Standards on the HSPU.

[Scale 1]:

1,000m Run

21 Handstand Push-Ups (1-2 AB Mats)

1,000m Row

[Scale 2]:

800m Run

30 Scaled HSPU (Box Scaling)

800m Row


3 Minutes per side.

Barbell Calf Smash (No Measure)

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