All 90 Day Challenge Benchmark Info is due in ONE EMAIL by Friday April 10th, 10:00pm.
Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
Group Dynamic (No Measure)
Skills Practice
Strict Press Technique (No Measure)
Instruction led by class Coach.
– Use a PVC Pipe.
Workout of the Day
Strict Press (5-5-5-5)
In 20 Minutes:
5-5-5-5, Four attempts to build to a challenging 5 Rep Strict Press.
First 10 Minutes (Just Warming Up):
1 x 10 @ Barbell
1 x 7 @ Very Light
1 x 5 @ Slightly Heavier
1 x 3 @ Moderately Heavy
* Rest 1 Minute between Sets
Second 10 Minutes (5-5-5-5):
1 x 5 @ Heavier Weight, but nowhere near maximum.
1 x 5 @ Challenging, but doable.
1 x 5 @ Last Two will be tough!
1 x 5 @ Holy shit that was heavy, but I did it!
* Be conservative and tactful in your weight increases. Your goal is NOT to fail, but to achieve all of your attempts.
After Party
I Love Star Wars (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb (15′)
10 Overhead Lunges (45/35)
Recovery Row (No Measure)
Row 500m at a 3:00 Pace. Damper Setting 4.