Strongman PSA by Cat

We have something extra special coming up in January and I want you there! 

First thing is first.  Strongman Class is EVERY Sunday at Noon with yours truly.  We lift all manner of odd objects, impressive looking steel logs, and pretty much anything on the far side of your comfort zone.  And we like it Heavy!  If this sounds like fun I want to see your extremely attractive face in class.  If you haven’t come by because you think you’re not strong enough you are wrong.  Period.  Come to class and have some fun!

Second is a special announcement!  We have Pro-Strongman Ben Lambousis coming as a guest coach on January 5th for a special class to focus on proper technique in all the main strongman lifts.  If you want to learn the strongman lifts for the first time or if you want to fine tune your current skills this class is for you.  I am personally looking forward to learning from him and we are going to hit a super fun WOD at the end to test out all our new skills.  Ben has 17+ years experience competing in strongman and in 2005 won the right to call himself a Professional with a 1st place win at NAS Nationals. 

Still not convinced? I’m thinking that should be impossible, but just in case here is a video of me at my last competition.  If you think this stuff looks fun you need to find yourself at ACF at Noon on Sunday, January 5th (and every Sunday after)!



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